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Non-Dual Spirituality
What is Spirituality?↓
The great river of human experience has two shores. One is suffering and the other peace. Spirituality is the raft used to cross the river.
This term is used in many ways throughout the world, from the path to enlightenment to a celebration of sacred beliefs to involvement with subtle phenomena. Here I focus on the means to become free from suffering and cultivate happy, peaceful, loving lives.
What is Non-duality?↓
Non-duality means in many traditions - “not two”.
I like to use the pointer “not-separate” as well. It is useful because it leads one to two important contemplations. First, we examine the experience of separateness and put its validity to the test. Second, once arriving at the conclusion that separateness is an illusion, we explore the ramifications of this realization. The benefits of this process are beyond words.
How does it differ from typical spiritual paths?↓
The approach I use most is called the “Direct Path.” It does exactly what it claims: it goes directly to the heart of the matter.
This is different from most spiritual paths because it lacks the “progression” that is the hallmark of most traditions. Instead of slowly walking someone through concentric levels of realization, the Direct Path jumps to the end. In a way, it is the mirror of the progressive path. They “clean up” their minds, which is intended to lead to “waking up.” The Direct Path “wakes up” first and then emphasizes “cleaning up” after the fact. This is why my work is structured in this way (Awaken - Evolve).
Another key difference is that the Direct Path is experiential and doesn’t focus on belief, faith, or intellectual understanding. It includes those on a person-to-person basis as appropriate, but what is required is the willingness to directly explore one's experience.
Why does the world need this so much right now?↓
There has been a dramatic increase in the sense of separation recently. People feel alone, isolated, tribal, alienated, and more.
That is easy to see. The recognition of our shared-being is usually more difficult to apperceive, however. That realization and the accompanying shifts in our experience of life is an antidote to this sense of division that too often leads to deep suffering.
Non-duality was typically a reserved teaching. The floodgates have opened up via the internet, and now anyone with a connection can find content discussing this path. It seems that the rising need for these teachings is being fulfilled through the same technology as its cause.
What can someone expect from this approach?↓
An in-depth and honest exploration into the nature of oneself and experience.
While exploring our true nature, we heavily leverage inquiry. This can take a variety of forms and isn’t defined by any of them. The highest form is to inquire in a way that leads one directly to the clear seeing of their nature, and with that realization comes the peace and happiness inherent therein. Many other styles of inquiry are applied, both before and after awakening, to assist us on the path.
This approach is very direct and deals with our experience as-is. We don’t emphasize any great effort to change our experience or develop concentration. These abilities may be important to any individual and are encouraged as life skills when appropriate, but non-duality doesn’t include them as a matter of course. Unlike some traditions that are culturally integrated in a developmental way, the direct approach assumes that we take responsibility for ourselves and our well-being.
The focus of much of my work is sharing my experience. In addition to the passion for expressing my love for spirituality, there are other purposes to this focus. Our experience is what we have to work with, subjectively speaking, to assist in our liberation from suffering. We must leverage this avenue to its fullest potential. Sadly, this is not prevalent in the world, and I hope to contribute to fostering its development by example.
Truth vs. Belief↓
We can be certain that we are conscious, but that is where it stops. Everything beyond that is a web of concepts which, more often than not, ensnares us in confusion. Knowing this frees us to use concepts creatively without the harmful backlash that typically accompanies unexamined beliefs.
Responsibly used, concepts are wonderful tools. They can be effective in helping orient one into direct experience. Additionally, I like to think of them as a means to optimally condition our minds. All concepts are not created equal, however. Knowing which concepts are valuable and when to apply them is a critical skill. A portion of my consulting work is dedicated to matching people with the concepts they need most at the time.
Integral Theory (AQAL Framework)
What Is Integral Theory?↓
Put simply; Integral Theory is a map of the terrain of our experience.
From an awakened point of view, experience may be seamless and have the one taste of reality; it is, however, not featureless. The Integral AQAL Map is the most comprehensive, clear, and user-friendly method I have encountered for working with relative phenomenon.
What Is the AQAL Framework?↓
AQAL stands for: All Quadrants, All Levels, All Lines, All States, and All Types.
These are the core components that make up a functional Integral Framework.
As this is a massive subject that can be intimidating at first for most people, perhaps the best way to explain this is with an analogy.
Beginning to live from an Integral level of development is like moving from monochrome television to 4K virtual reality. Yes, it’s that different and that big a deal.
Going from a monochrome television to 4k HD VR adds many new dimensions and, with that, a massive amount of new information. AQAL organizes this grand new landscape of reality for us. We see more of what-is, and with the AQAL map, we have an effective means of working within this new world. With this breakthrough comes a greater understanding of life and a greater responsibility to work with that vantage point skillfully.
Why is this so important?↓
It is critical that we begin to move into this stage of development individually and collectively at this time.
Very simple - the problems we are facing require solutions from a higher developmental level than that which caused them. This is how it has always been, and it remains so today.
On an individual level, we need to undergo this transformation to thrive and care for ourselves and loved ones as the world becomes increasingly complex. Additionally, we must have a way to contribute that brings value to the world and meaning to us.
Does a person need to "get it" to benefit?↓
This question requires a bit of nuance to answer properly. To start, let’s look at two true statements.
- As recipients of Integral functioning, we benefit without any need to understand.
- As avatars of integral functioning, our contributions grow in value and effectiveness the more we understand.
I benefitted from an integrally informed person's tutelage and guidance prior to the emergence of my integral development. In the spirit of paying it forward, I regularly apply this lens and the incredible abilities this vantage point provides to share skillfully with people who benefit without needing to understand.
So, a person doesn’t need to “get it” to benefit indirectly but to fully embody their potential and maximize their contribution to the world; they should pursue their integral development with haste.
How can we accelerate our transformation to Integral?↓
In a word: meditation.
Meditation has been shown to fast-track vertical development through the stages with incredible efficacy.
Another strong suggestion is to study. Learning about Integral can help set the groundwork, and if done at the right time (as the structure-stage is unfolding within you), it can initialize a quantum leap forward.
A whispered word of hard-earned wisdom: don’t forget to include the body. The perils of neglecting any part of your being, including the body, are as real today as they were when Bodhidharma first laid eyes on the enfeebled Shaolin Monks and encouraged them to exercise!
Community and personal coaching are excellent ways to contribute to your growth as well!