My Story
Ultimately, we are perspectives - unique combinations of many views formed from genetics, experience, knowledge, and more.
Let me tell you a bit about mine.
I believe that we are better, individually and as a people, with spirituality than without it.
My method is much like that of Bruce Lee’s. Using “no way, as way” I free my mind to adapt to whatever life presents. This spontaneity pairs nicely with my talent for synthesis which serves me as well as others - especially during appointments.
I agree with the notion that the only thing we can be certain of is consciousness. Other terms for that are awareness, knowing, experiencing, gnosis, presence, being, and so on.
I feel it is helpful and in many cases necessary to carefully choose a belief about the nature of that primordial “suchness” which is the ground of all experience.
The Dalai Lama once said that kindness was his religion. I relate. What’s more is that I think living a life filled with lovingkindness toward oneself and others is our birthright waiting patiently to be claimed.
Why I Chose This Direction
How incredible would it be to participate in a community where everyone lived from a place of peace and lovingkindness? What about humanity as a whole? Or all sentient beings?
That's the vision: All beings everywhere - awake and celebrating!
In other words: suffering sucks, and since it’s optional, I have dedicated my life to alleviating it.
Everything that flows from that intention is my unique contribution toward the fruition of this mission.
How I Work To Help
Short answer first.
As I continue to awaken and evolve, I work with people individually by appointment to help guide them to where they want to be. Additionally, I share what I find useful on this site and through social media regularly.
Fancy answer now
There are two kinds of truths: Ultimate and Conventional. Ultimately, the nature of experience is non-dual primordial wisdom. Knowing that clearly and being that knowingly will certainly alleviate psychological suffering, but it won't guarantee that we live meaningful and efficient lives. That is where conventional wisdom shines.
Spirituality is the means by which we recognize the nature of experience in such a way that we are liberated from suffering. Once freedom is realized, our spiritual focus shifts toward sharing and celebrating lovingly.
Integral Theory is the fundamental lens I use when working with conventional truth. It is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive and effective map of reality I have found. That makes it an ideal starting place for working with anything that life presents or topics that arise during an appointment.
Taken together, these two approaches can assist in transcending suffering and optimizing life conditions. For this reason, these two paths have walked hand in hand for so much of our shared history.
What I Offer For Services
I’ve always loved working one-on-one with people! It’s my thing.
My consulting practice is designed to benefit from this intimate approach toward spiritual guidance and life coaching.
Considering the perspectives that I shared above, it should be no surprise that each appointment is unique and based on the client's needs at the time.
If this sounds exciting and you’d like to work together, that’s awesome! Please check out the appointment page to learn more and schedule our time together.